Employee Testing
Drug testing can help to improve employee morale and productivity while decreasing absenteeism, accidents, downtime, turnover, and theft.
Because every business and workforce is unique, we assist employers in customizing a comprehensive program with what is most appropriate for their business, industry, type of workforce and location.
Who and when to test
We will assist you in selecting the best type of testing for your business.
Pre-employment drug testing is the most common type of drug testing performed by employers. Employers typically use it to proactively protect themselves from the negative impacts of hiring drug users. Pre-employment testing is usually performed after a conditional offer of employment has been made and a negative drug test result is required either before an applicant starts working or the applicant begins work contingent on the test result.
Random drug and alcohol testing is one of the best ways to ensure a drug free workplace. Our system generated random selection eliminates involvement by the employer and creates a nonbiased list of employees to test. Random testing prevents workplace drug abuse, especially when it is done on a regular basis. With a random testing program, employees know that they could be asked to submit to a drug test at any time, without advance warning. It is a great deterrent because employees fear potentially losing their job and income.
Post Accident
Employers should conduct employee drug testing after an accident/incident to determine if drug use may have played a role. Employers are cautioned to require testing of all individuals who may have contributed to specific accident/incident.
Reasonable Suspicion
Becoming even more critical with the rise in marijuana use, employers can require employee drug testing when illegal drug use is suspected. Employers are strongly encouraged to train their managers on how to accurately detect and handle reasonable suspicion situations effectively and on the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace.
For those employees that fail an employee drug test, get treatment from a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), and are ready to return to the workplace may be required to submit a return-to-duty employee drug test.
A Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) may also require follow up or “periodical” testing as an additional treatment or recovery requirement.
Testing Methods
The different testing methods involve collecting different specimen. The time that drugs can be detected after ingestion varies with each testing method. Any test method may be selected. We can provide you valuable insight on testing methods to assist with determining the best method.
Detects drugs 24-48 hours after ingestion. This short timeframe makes it an excellent test for post-accident and reasonable suspicion testing situations.
Determines if drugs have been used at any time over the past 6-8 months. Since the nail test reveals long-term use, it is used to confirm abstinence.

What to test for
We can help you determine which drugs to test for in your testing program. Different drugs become popular at different times, so we can change your selection at any time to provide the best protection for your environment. Examples of substances that are most frequently added include nicotine, synthetic marijuana, alcohol, and a wide range of prescription drugs.
We come to you!
Our onsite testing means no loss of productivity. Employees do not spend hours waiting at a clinic for a test. This is also effective for no advance warning to employees.
Our technicians arrive at your location to make the process efficient and convenient. We perform on site testing using high integrity precautions. We can also find a facility that is close to you, and will provide all the details, including directions and the test order.